Saturday, January 24, 2009

Import DWG with Materials

Having trouble importing DWG files with materials from AutoCAD Architecture 2009? It maybe your Custom UI setting.
If you have the DesignViz.mental ray settings turned on, when you import theDWG file, a Global Material will get assigned to the objects in the scene. To preserve the materials from the CAD side, go to the Custom UI and Defaults switcher and choose either Max or Max.mentalray as the setting. Click the Set button and then exit/restart Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2009. Now when you import the DWG file, the materials will come right in as Architectural materials, as it did in previous releases.
If your textures aren't visible in the viewport, open the Material Editor and eyedropper the material from the viewport. Navigate to the Map level and turn on Show Map in Viewport in the Material editor.
If the tiling is way way off, turn off Use Real World Scale, set the tiling to 1.0 by 1.0 and then apply a UVW Mapping Modifer. Turn off Use Real World Scale on the modifier and things should look right in the viewport..

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